
About Amanda

I am a writer and editor. By day, I work with the English language as a business communications writer and editor. By night, I write for fun. I also am the co-host and producer of two podcasts, have a YouTube channel and a multitude of other interests and hobbies. 

Somehow, in between it all, I actually missed blogging - yes, blogging, do you remember that? I do! - and I decided to dust off some cobwebs from an old abandoned blog, where I could chronicle my adventures in it all.

About Tales of a Writeress

This concept behind this site is simply to record what I am doing. What I am doing as someone who works full time in writing and editing, has over a decade of freelance writing experience, and has also made tons of effort (to varying levels of success) writing and producing content in other areas like podcasts, vlogs and across social media platforms. 

My entire life is basically dedicated to communicating clearly, effectively, and in a way that is engaging. (Whether I actually do that... well, it depends on how much coffee I've had that morning.) 

To manifest my various writing and communications endeavors, I believe in a holistic approach, and draw from everything from my background and knowledge in teaching, music, acting, spiritual practices and much more. I hope to share a bit of what I've learned from my approach and experiences and most of all, hope to convey some enthusiasm, with a broader audience!

Or maybe no one reads blogs anymore. In which case, I hope that I find it diverting and at least somewhat entertaining to maintain this site.


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